Wednesday, October 24, 2012

WEEK 4: Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

The following posting is courtesy of our Guest Beatitude Leader Warren as I was out of town~

"Blessed Are Those who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness, for They Shall Be Satisfied."  Jesus Christ
We dug into this beatitude!
People came prepared with Agape lesson plans, various translations to reference and one person quoted Wikipedia.
The 8:30 folks had to be careful not to trump the pastor's message; however, the discussion was lively and (IMHO) on point.
As perhaps you can see from the whiteboard attachment, we struggled to divorce thirst from hunger. We did agree that the methodology was one Jesus often used. The conditions sited and the results promised resonated with Old Testament teachings. Jesus' audience (those guys) could relate to the conditions better than we in Arlington. 
We shared our feelings as we passed people in need and how our behaviors related to the call for action in this beatitude. 
We ended in prayer offering names of folks in recovery and folks recently departed. 
With the clock ticking away, we left consideration of our feelings of how this beatitude is changing us to a later time. 
Thank you Warren and fellow Beatitudents!  I greatly enjoyed reading your post~it helped me feel connected from way out here in California~See you Sunday!

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