Sunday, September 23, 2012

Prayer List (Updated Sunday, 9/30)

Each week as part of our small group, we will share our joys and prayer concerns, and pray with and for another as a true community of believers.

Please remember the following people in your prayers this week:

  • Ann Klofkorn-Bloome and David G who are grieving the loss of their fathers.   
  • Cindy Bolbach, as she continues in her battle with cancer
  • Georgine's friend of 50 years, Mary Lou, who has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.  Please pray for Mary Lou as she completes her 5th of 6 chemo treatments this week, and then waits to see how her body and the cancer responds.
  • Janice is beginning to move into recovery after suffering shingles in her eye
  • April's aunt Carol in Colorado, her mother's youngest sister, was in a severe car crash and is currently in ICU.  She broker her neck in two places, and has been fitted with a halo to immobilize the spine.  Please pray for her as she prepares to spend 3 months in this in hopes of facilitating healing.
  • The week ahead for each of our group members
  • And all of those prayers we hold in our hearts

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